
Heartwarming firefighter reunited with the adorable puppy he rescued


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 The story takes place on March 30, 2019, when a family is riding, and they find a puppy trapped under a pile of rocks. Poor puppy is asking for help.

A family member tried to save him. But they failed, they could not lift the heavy rock, and he remained stuck.

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They noticed the dog's dire condition, so they immediately called 911 for help. Responding to the distress call, Paul Bryant of the North Charleston Fire Department. He hurries to lead his team to rescue the poor puppy.

Once you locate the trapped puppy under the large rock, reassure the frightened animal with love and encouragement.

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“You can do it. You can do it,” Captain Paul Bryant said these encouraging words to the puppy. “Come on! There we go! How are you?" he added.

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He thought of many ways to save the puppy. After gaining more space, grab the dog's front paws and carefully pull him out with ease. After that, the puppy was sent to the veterinary hospital to check on his health and take care of him as well.

Paul Bryant who successfully rescued a puppy, always thinks of the puppy he saved. He is also not worried about his health but is also overjoyed but also happy to be reunited with his family.

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After developing a bond with the pup, he decides to go to the SPCA and adopt her. He was so excited when he achieved the successful adoption. Share that the puppy was named Rock, as is typical for rescued dogs

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The moment Rocky stepped outside he immediately recognized Capt. Paul. Rock lunged at him, showering him with wet kisses. The two gathered in happiness and tears in front of many people.